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Even before the pandemic, Nurses have suffered the effects of workplace stress and burnout. The Nursing shortage is a key factor when it comes to burnout. The lack of staff demands Nurses to care for more patients, which results in Nurses being overtired, overwhelmed, and overall highly stressed. 

Hospitals are turning to robot technology to help ease the strain on healthcare workers. 

According to research from the Journal of Nursing Management, Nurses spend up to 33% of their shifts on simple yet time consuming tasks such as getting supplies or picking up medications.

Robots like Moxi can assist Nurses with these tasks so they are able to focus on patient care. Moxi, created by Diligent Robotics, is a point-to-point delivery robot, meaning it can make deliveries and perform other non-clinical tasks.

Some technical features include: 

  • Social intelligence: opens elevators and doors on its own, won’t bump into people or objects in hallways, happily poses for selfies 

  • Mobile manipulation: Moxi can grab, pull, open and guide objects, with no human assistance 

  • Human-guided learning: The more your staff uses Moxi, the more Moxi learns and adapts to your environment and way of doing things

Abigail Hamilton, a former ICU and Emergency Room Nurse that manages Nursing staff support programs at Mary Washington Hospital said, "The simple things Moxi does can make a difference. It can save Nurses the 30 minutes it might take to go from the fifth floor to the basement to pick up medication that can’t go through the tube system from the pharmacy. And picking up after-hour meals for patients is one of Moxi’s most popular tasks."

According to Wired, Two Moxi robots began operating in the halls of Mary Washington Hospital in February, they’ve given workers back approximately 600 hours of time.

With a landmark $1.5 million grant from the American Nurses Foundation, ChristianaCare will deploy a total of five Moxi robots at Christiana Hospital. The hospital will be home to the largest number of Moxi robots in health care.

“Moxi is not a replacement for a Nurse or Nursing position — or any position. It is an additional resource for Nurses and their teams. Moxi will be doing those hunting and gathering tasks such as getting equipment and supplies, which Nurses are doing today but don’t need to be doing at all," said Ric Cuming, Ed.D., MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, Chief Nurse Executive and President, ChristianaCare HomeHealth.

Melanie Barone, RN, Associate Nursing Director at Cedars-Sinai who has acquired two Moxi robots said, "I think it's important to have Moxi be present because they not only provide an opportunity to improve workflows and be more efficient, but they're a fun thing to see around the halls. They feel very future forward."

In just its first six weeks at Cedars Sinai, Moxi saved 300 miles of walking for Nurses.

Ultimately, the Diligent Robotics team wants to build human-friendly robots for other industries as well, but for now healthcare is their main focus. 




根据 《护理管理杂志》的研究,护士将高达 33% 的轮班时间花在简单但耗时的任务上,例如获取用品或取药。

像 Moxi 这样的机器人可以协助护士完成这些任务,使他们能够专注于病人护理。由 Diligent Robotics 创建的 Moxi 是一种点对点送货机器人,这意味着它可以送货并执行其他非临床任务。


  • 社交智能:自己开电梯和门,不会在走廊里撞到人或物体,开心地摆姿势自拍 

  • 移动操控:莫西可以抓取、拉动、打开和引导物体,无需人工协助 

  • 以人为本的学习:你的员工使用磨西的次数越多,磨西学习和适应你的环境和做事方式的能力就越强

前 ICU 和急诊室护士阿比盖尔·汉密尔顿 (Abigail Hamilton) 曾在玛丽华盛顿医院 (Mary Washington Hospital) 管理护理人员支持项目,他说:“Moxi 所做的简单事情就可以产生影响。它可以为护士节省 30 分钟从五楼到地下室从药房取不能通过管道系统的药物。而为病人取餐是莫西最受欢迎的任务之一。

据《连线》报道,两台 Moxi 机器人于 2 月开始在玛丽华盛顿医院的大厅里运行,它们为工人节省了大约 600 小时的时间。

借助美国护士基金会 150 万美元的里程碑式拨款,ChristianaCare将在克里斯蒂安娜医院部署总共五个 Moxi 机器人。这家医院将是医疗保健领域数量最多的莫西机器人的所在地。

“莫西不能替代护士或护理职位——或任何职位。它是护士及其团队的额外资源。Moxi 将完成那些狩猎和采集任务,例如获取设备和补给品,这些都是护士们今天正在做但根本不需要做的事情,” Ric Cuming,Ed.D.,MSN,RN,NEA-BC, FAAN,ChristianaCare HomeHealth 首席护士长兼总裁。

获得了两台 Moxi 机器人 的Cedars-Sinai副护理总监、注册护士 Melanie Barone说:“我认为让 Moxi 出现很重要,因为它们不仅提供了改进工作流程和提高效率的机会,而且是“在大厅周围看到有趣的东西。他们觉得很有未来感。”

在Cedars Sinai的前六周内,Moxi 为护士节省了 300 英里的步行路程。

最终,Diligent Robotics 团队也希望为其他行业制造对人类友好的机器人,但目前医疗保健是他们的主要关注点。 




百度浏览   来源 : NursingResearch护理研究前沿   

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