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[EuroPCR 2011]陈韵岱专访——造影剂肾病的研究

  Could you tell us a bit about yourself, your activities as a cardiologist and your centre?  I am a professor of Medicine and Cardiology and Director of the Cardiology Division of the Chinese PLA General Hospital. ..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]葛均波教授专访——APSIC与EuroPCR的交流与合作

  Perhaps you could start by telling us a little about what brought you to Interventional Cardiology?  My career in interventional cardiology started in 1990, when I was a fellow at the University Hospital Mainz, G..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]复杂左主干病变,远离麻烦!

  大部分PCI治疗效果良好,但是如果不好呢?昨天在左主干病变的会议中提出了大量关于避免和处理并发症的建议。随着对左主干病变干预的增加,我们必须铭记这不是普通的PCI。  Tom Mabin 和联合主席 Miguel Sousa Uva(代表外科视角)..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]最新临床研究结果公布

  close-up  Niels Holm公布了close-up随机试验结果,该试验比较了经股动脉冠状动脉造影(CAG)后使用人工压迫止血和采用Femoseal VCD封堵器的效果。数据显示,与人工压迫止血相比,采用Femoseal VCD封堵股动脉的速度更快,院内大血..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]临床血管内光学相干断层扫描图谱

  Tell us a little about the background and goal of this publication.  Lorenz Raber (Bern, Switerland): When we introduced optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a cathlab application in Bern in 2008, there were onl..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]肥厚性梗阻性心肌病:室间隔酒精消融术

当前位置:循环首页>正文 [EuroPCR 2011]肥厚性梗阻性心肌病:室间隔酒精消融术Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy: alcohol septal ablation作者:..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]动脉粥样硬化的MRI

学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]直接PCI时使用比伐卢定治疗的患者给予普通肝素与较低的死亡率和靶病变血栓形成的发生率相关——一项来自瑞典冠状动脉造影和血管成形术注册研究(SCAAR)的报告

  背景:直接PCI时,与普通肝素(UFH)联合GPⅡb/Ⅲa抑制剂治疗相比,使用比伐卢定可减少出血事件,且与较低的死亡率相关。然而, 使用比伐卢..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]A New Leadership for EAPCI: interview with Dr Jean Fajadet, EAPCI President

  You will officially take over the presidency of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) in September 2011 with the support of the newly elected Executive Board whos..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学

[EuroPCR 2011]Interview with David G. Iosseliani

  Professor David G. Iosseliani  Director of the Moscow City Centre of Interventional Cardioangiology,  Head of the Russian Scientific Society of Interventional cardioangiology (RSICA)  Perhaps you could start b..... 
学术资讯 - 临床医学